Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's official ~ update (photo added)

Many of you have been asking and I just realized I hadn't made the official announcement yet but yes, Harrison is finally underwear boy!

You may remember a year ago when Harrison announced that he would use the potty on his 3rd birthday.

Well, that never happened. Finally, I pushed him in November or December. I stopped threatening to not buy diapers anymore and really followed through. (thanks Jen!) I told him he had to wear pull-ups (I know, they're basically diapers but at least he wasn't laying down and being diapered like a baby anymore) or underwear. He would wear pull-ups or nothing. He has so many cool pairs of undies but he wouldn't wear them. One day right before Christmas Dave asked him to wear underwear and he did. From that day forward he has only worn underwear and is a potty champ! He doesn't even wear pull-ups at night! Just today he woke us at 4:48 am because he had to go pee! It's awesome. (except for the early morning wake-up)

Here he is... officially "underwear boy"!

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